Ahem...let me clear my throat (or should I say free my keyboard???)

It's just after 2 am, and I cannot sleep! My mind is racing, which is a good thing.  My friends and I are embarking on a new journey, and new experiences are always exciting.  So the excitement is getting to me (it may also be that I'm getting hungry from being up so late).  Let me introduce myself, I'm Maisha, the Wanderlust Nerd, learning every day how to handle Adulthood. If I could I would integrate "Grown-up Life 101" into High School curriculum.  Since I can't do that just yet, I will utilize writing as a vehicle to share my day to day experiences.  I will expose the secrets of how I cope with my transition into the life of a "REAL" adult. Hopefully, something we share here makes your life a little better.  Lets face it...nothing we say is worth the characters unless it helps someone else in some way, shape, or form!

Read, enjoy, and comment below!!!!
