Dress Code Haul Pt. 1

So, this year at the job a dress code has been implemented to promote some form of “advanced” professionalism <queue massive eye roll> and with this a more reigned in creativity in putting together office “appropriate” attire in the morning.  This challenge though has one small benefit, legitimate, justified shopping! Despite the bureaucratic shakedown that is this new dress code, having a reason to scour the city for pieces that fit my budget and the open-ended category of “business casual” is like a wink from above.  Small explanation: though I hate being told what I can and cannot wear I do enjoy a reason to dress-up and anyway my wardrobe is in need of a little refining so…I’m taking this one as a win.

Now, on this road to a more “adult” wardrobe I enlisted the help of several second-hand shops (Goodwill, Savers and Unique specifically) and a few retailers like The Limited, Nordstrom’s Rack, DSW, and Forever 21.  

Below are Tops with more to follow.

Please to enjoy and definitely comment on what you think would be good future pairings!

-Nordstrom's Rack-

-The Limited (Sale)-

-Goodwill (Orland Park, IL)-

-Goodwill (St. Charles, IL)-

-Forever 21 (Sale)-


-Banana Republic (Sale)-

-Goodwill (St. Charles, IL)-


-Goodwill (St. Charles, IL)-

-Goodwill (St. Charles, IL)-

-Goodwill (St. Charles, IL)-

Dress Code Haul Pt. 2...Coming Soon
